It would be awesome if LWCAD could somehow deal with .stp curves. Right now, to use CAD data in Lightwave it has to be converted to mesh and often we get errors in smoothing, flipping polys or geometry missing. Being able to use the nurbs curves would be a dream come true.
It would be great if LWCAD could feature a nice bend tool. The native lw bend gets bad results and is not easy to use.
It would be really nice if LWCad had dimensioning capabilities much like Solidworks or Inventor. Create a model and then dimension it and save out a DWG or even just a PDF and be able to print it on a big plotter/printer. Yeah that would be cool.
It would be nice if had in the new LWCAD version curved walls and in the presets like doors and windows had the option to open and close
I would like to see tools for LWCAD on Layout
It would be sweet if several of LWCads tools could do similar boolean functions as Hard ops plugin does for Belender. Maybe it could be a standalone seperate tool. Based on several of the modelling tools from lwcad?
It seems like at least several of similar functions are comparable. Maybe just needs more live style boolean tools? As well as more edge rounding tools. For any type of edges?
user 99
posted Jan 24 '17 at 5:31 pm
It would be great to have a rope / chain tool with non-destructive workflow.
It should come with some preset models of ropes / chains, but as LWCad allows, create our own too.
For ropes, it could be interesting to be able to specify the number of strands and bundles, rotation, ...
Is there a way for the Round tool to behave like the Rounder tool from Lightwave when the "OGL poly" option is activated ?
It creates a liitle bevel on the rounded polygons, so that reflections look accurate when rendering.
Thx !
I would love to see support to import STP or some other cad format since we now have spline support. At the moment I'm using MOI3d to convert to a 3d support, but being able to directly import would be awesome.
Export would be nice too, but not as high a priority for me.